World Clock
Show you the real date and time of the particular location thourghout the world in one click.
Air Quality Index
Give the air statastics which indicates the purity of atmosphere.
Respect Customer Privacy
Get visibility into your data and ensure it meets strict privacy standards.
Custom Reports
Customize reports with the help of various filters to see the exact data you need.
Project Time Tracking
Track time of individual tasks and get an idea of the status of your projects.
Secure and Private by Default
AKT Live never shares or sells customer data, your data is encrypted every time.
Total Stealthy Mode
No one would find our software installed on client computer because it is working totally stealthily.
Reliable Alerting
Effective alerting for you when you need to be get alerted whenever a real incident occurs.
Historical Data
Shows historical data wherever you want according to your reports and statistics.